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Eli Cookson


Amazing the amount of different answers we get when we ask this question! 'Purgatory; Hell; Companionship; a Contract; Legalisation of a union; a Way to pay less taxes...'

Well, none of these above are right, or at least certainly not what marriage really is.

When we decide to marry our chosen one, we decide to give up our own lives for them, and this for a lifetime.

- We consciously decide that it will never be 'About us' anymore, but about them, what they like, their dreams, their preferences. - We commit to decrease, so that they can increase (John 3:30), - We give up our own so that they can reach their targets, - We make an enourmous effort to encourage them even when we feel empty, - We lift them up even when we feel down, - We make them laugh even when we feel sad, - We give them our time even when we are busy. - We honor them even when they have wronged us, - We are thankful even when they gave us nothing, - We listen to them even if we are tired, - We pardon them even if they are not sorry, - We love them even if we feel that love has run out or they don't love us back.

Because love in marriage is not a feeling, but the conscious choice we make every morning we wake up, to love our spouse, no matter what.

This is what Marriage really is: the greatest sacrifice, that carries the heaviest price for the longest time, so that in return we can have for ourselves all that is written above, because don't forget, it is a two-way road: what you sacrifice for the other, the other sacrifices for you!

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